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Procurement is critical to any organisation's success, and supplier relationship management (SRM) is crucial in achieving it. In a recent Procurement Reimagined podcast episode, Matthew Booth emphasised the importance of SRM in achieving sustainability goals.

He highlighted the need for long-term relationships built on trust and collaboration.

Yet, there has been one major challenge to getting SRM off the ground and implemented across organisations: it’s never a priority.

Organisations and procurement teams understand and acknowledge that adopting SRM could be highly beneficial. But it takes time and effort, and there are cost barriers to implementation with this.

Especially as the ROI is difficult to predict.

But as we consider the procurement maturity curve SRM becomes hard to ignore. Matthew noted during our conversation that we aren’t reimagining SRM in any way. The reimagination element of our conversation was centred around implementing SRM properly in the first instance.

I agree with this. So let’s check out the five ways to reimagine procurement with SRM.

1- Build strong relationships with Vendors

Build strong supplier relationships

Procurement often focuses on short-term gains, such as cost savings. This is due to cost savings being an early value generator in the maturity cycle most procurement teams move through.

However, building long-term relationships with vendors can lead to more significant benefits in the future such as profit sharing, new products, go-to-market enablement, and R&D innovation that might be impossible to do in-house.

The upside of this is that you can set your organisation apart from its competitors.

When you have this relationship, it makes working together infinitely easier. Especially if you come across any challenges, poor performance, or need to pivot because of internal or external forces.

Proactive relationships with vendors are better than reactive ones.

2 - Develop a Vendor segmentation strategy

Not all vendors are created equal, and organisations must identify which vendors are most critical to their success.

This requires a supplier segmentation strategy considering strategic importance, risk, and innovation potential.

Vendor segmentation is the categorisation of your vendors by their importance to your organisation.

Traditional methods of doing this are based on annual contract spend, risk profile, and the types of goods or services provided. More organisations are looking at elements such as cyber and ESG in their segmentation models now.

If you don’t segment your vendors you cannot implement SRM. SRM is a time & resource-hungry strategy and you can only deploy it with a small percentage of your vendors. Typically, those that are considered to be the most important to your success moving forwards.

3 - Leverage the power of data

Make use of data


Data is an essential element in any SRM initiative, and organisations need to invest in tools and processes that enable them to collect and analyse supplier data effectively.

This includes data on vendor performance, sustainability metrics, and risk management. Too many teams languish in the status quo of spreadsheets.

I’ve used a mixture of procuretech and spreadsheets throughout my Procurement career and even the procuretech that wasn’t amazing still had more upsides to it that a manual database.

You’ll need good data to undertake the segmentation work I highlighted in point three. You’ll need to analyse data and get insights from it around cost, risk, resilience, capacity, cyber, ESG & more to implement an SRM programme that delivers value to your organisation.

Utilising a platform like Gatekeeper, where all of your important data is stored and updated as you work through your vendor and contract processes, is a good way to start leveraging data to implement an SRM strategy.

4 - Prioritise collaboration

SRM is not just a function of procurement; it requires collaboration across departments and functions.

Organisations prioritising collaboration can achieve greater success in their SRM efforts by breaking down silos and encouraging cross-functional communication and cooperation.

In short, you’ll need to make SRM an organisation-wide initiative and not just another procurement initiative as it will fail. A social contract, an internal charter, and a clear RACI are ideal concepts to introduce to get team members aligned here.

This is normally where SRM fails: before it even starts because this team cannot be brought together.

You’ll need to have a C-Suite/Leadership Team sponsor to spearhead this forward and bring the organisation along with them. A top-down approach as opposed to  bottom-up is your best bet.

5 - Continuously measure and improve

SRM is an ongoing process that requires continuous measurement and improvement. It allows you to assess how your vendors are interacting with the programme outside of your standard vendor and contract lifecycle management tasks.

You’ll want to understand the difference in performance in various areas before and after the SRM programme started with a view into the improvements within your organisation and the vendor's service to you.


Reimagining procurement with SRM requires a shift in mindset from short-term gains to long-term relationships, using digital tools to support SRM efforts, a culture of collaboration across the organisation, and continuous measurement and improvement.

It isn’t easy.

It shouldn’t be done too soon in your maturity journey. But as you exhaust the value your procurement team can extract from the supply chain, it might be an ideal method to do more for your organisation.

Listen to the full episode here and if you are looking for a way to consolidate everything about your vendors and their contracts, book a call with a Gatekeeper expert here.

Daniel Barnes
Daniel Barnes

Daniel Barnes is a seasoned Procurement and Contract Management Leader, with a Masters in Commercial Law from the University of Southampton. He’s on a mission to transition the sector from manual, spreadsheet-driven processes to efficient, automated operations. Daniel hosts the Procurement Reimagined Podcast, exploring innovative strategies to modernise procurement and contract management, striving for a more streamlined and value-driven industry.


Contract Management , Control , Vendor Management , Compliance , Contract Lifecycle Management , Contract Management Software , Visibility , Contract Lifecycle , Case Study , Vendor and Contract Lifecycle Management , Supplier Management , Vendor Management Software , Contract Management Strategy , Contract Risk Management , Contract Repository , Regulation , Risk Mitigation , Third Party Risk Management , Contract Automation , Regulatory compliance , VCLM , Procurement , TPRM , Workflows , Artificial Intelligence , CLM , Contract Ownership , Contract Visibility , Contract and vendor management , Contracts , Supplier Performance , Supplier Risk , contract renewals , Legal , Legal Ops , NetSuite , Podcast , Risk , Vendor Onboarding , Contract compliance , Financial Services , Future of Procurement , Gatekeeper Guides , Procurement Reimagined , Procurement Strategy , RFP , Supplier Relationships , Business continuity , CLM solutions , COVID-19 , Contract Managers , Contract Performance , Contract Redlining , Contract Review , Contract Risk , ESG , Metadata , Negotiation , SaaS , Supplier Management Software , Vendor Portal , Vendor risk , webinar , AI , Biotech , Clause Library , Contract Administration , Contract Approvals , Contract Management Plans , Cyber health , ESG Compliance , Kanban , Market IQ , RBAC , Recession Planning , SOC Reports , Security , SuiteWorld , Sustainable Procurement , collaboration , Audit preparedness , Audit readiness , Audits , Business Case , Clause Template , Contract Breach , Contract Governance , Contract Management Audit , Contract Management Automation , Contract Monitoring , Contract Obligations , Contract Outcomes , Contract Reporting , Contract Tracking , Contract Value , DORA , Dashboards , Data Fragmentation , Digital Transformation , Due Diligence , ECCTA , Employee Portal , Excel , FCA , ISO Certification , KPIs , Legal automation , LegalTech , Mergers and Acquisitions , Obligations Management , Partnerships , Procurement Planning , Redline , Scaling Business , Spend Analysis , Standard Contractual Clauses , SuiteApp , Suppler Management Software , Touchless Contracts , Vendor Relationship Management , Vendor risk management , central repository , success hours , time-to-contract , APRA CPS 230 , APRA CPS 234 , Australia , BCP , Bill S-211 , Breach of Contract , Brexit , Business Growth , CCPA , CMS , CPRA 2020 , CSR , Categorisation , Centralisation , Certifications , Cloud , Conferences , Confidentiality , Contract Ambiguity , Contract Analysis , Contract Approval , Contract Attributes , Contract Challenges , Contract Change Management , Contract Community , Contract Disengagement , Contract Disputes , Contract Drafting , Contract Economics , Contract Execution , Contract Intake , Contract Management Features , Contract Management Optimisation , Contract Management pain points , Contract Negotiation , Contract Obscurity , Contract Reminder Software , Contract Requests , Contract Routing , Contract Stratification , Contract Templates , Contract Termination , Contract Volatility , Contract relevance , Contract relevance review , Contracting Standards , Contracting Standards Review , Cyber security , DPW , DPW, Vendor and Contract Lifeycle Management, , Data Privacy , Data Sovereignty , Definitions , Disputes , EU , Electronic Signatures , Enterprise , Enterprise Contract Management , Financial Stability , Force Majeure , GDPR , Gatekeeper , Healthcare , ISO , IT , Implementation , Integrations , Intergrations , Key Contracts , Measurement , Microsoft Word , Modern Slavery , NDA , Operations , Parallel Approvals , Pharma , Planning , Port Agency , Pricing , RAG Status , Redlining , Redlining solutions , Requirements , SaaStock , Shipping , Spend optimzation , Startups , Supplier Cataloguing , Technology , Usability , Vendor Categorisation , Vendor Consolidation , Vendor Governance , Vendor Qualification , Vendor compliance , Vendor reporting , Voice of the CEO , automation , concentration risk , contract management processes , contract reminders , cyber risk , document automation , eSign , enterprise vendor management , esignature , post-signature , remote working , vendor centric , vendor lifecycle management

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