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Kanban Workflow Engine

Customise, standardise & automate processes for complete control and peace of mind

Visualise and automate internal processes with the Kanban Workflow Engine

Your Blank Canvas

Map out your internal processes - from the simple to highly complex - into centralised, visual Kanban Workflow ‘boards’. Gain immediate visibility and easily identify bottlenecks to improve efficiency.

Fully Customisable

Digitise everything from simple notifications to complex, multi-departmental reviews, negotiations and approvals. Use Auto-Actions to automate individual steps or complete workflows, saving valuable time and giving you complete control.

"A perfect implementation and a system that delivers on expectations. User friendly!"

Anita Westman
Anita Westman - Procurement Director, Indirect Material & Services at Swedish Match
Fully customise and visualise internal processes
Trigger parallel and sequential approvals

Parallel & Sequential Approvals

Choose your preferred approval methods throughout your workflows to ensure the most efficient path to completion. Set multiple approval groups on any internal workflow phase to greatly increase throughput. Maintain a flawless, auditable history of all actions taken.

Workflow Reporting

Leverage workflow data to generate insightful reports around all your processes, including average contracting time. Identify inefficiencies, remove bottlenecks and continually improve your ways of working.

Ready to take back control?

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Automatically Route Requests and Automate Approvals

Stop digging through emails. Funnel requests through a standardised process, direct them to relevant reviewers using conditional logic & collaborate internally before approving. Going to be out of the office? Simply delegate your workflow responsibilities for a set period to maintain progress and momentum.

Manage Contracts Proactively

Automatically trigger workflows from any combination of data points including review and renewal dates, agreement type or your own custom information. Automate manual activities, receive early notifications and focus on important tasks while staying compliant.


“Gatekeeper is our procurement platform of choice at The Telegraph. It’s a great system, well worth the investment.”

Paul Wilkinson - Procurement Manager, The Telegraph
Automatically route contract approvals
Automatically onboard vendors with Gatekeeper

Complete Visibility

Gain 360 degree visibility across all your processes - identifying work items held up by individuals or groups. Drive action and accountability by staying one step ahead of bottlenecks.

Seamlessly Progress Vendor Tasks

Leverage workflows to automate vendor onboarding processes via our Vendor Portal. Register, invite, review and onboard vendors via automatic triggers and send notifications when third party action is required and automate downstream compliance. No more chasing vendors for information.

ISO certificate SOC 1 Type 2 Badge SOC 2 Type 2 Badge SOC 3 Badge ISO27001 Badge

Faster processes, data-driven

Our Card Age report, based on SLAs, provides oversight and usage stats for all of your workflows.

Understand where activity has stalled, who is responsible for it and escalate accordingly to get your contracts over the line. Use detailed reports to drive efficiency through your processes.

Card Age